Curt Moll

Athletic Director
I have been at St. Mary's since 2004-05. I am currently teaching social studies 7, religious education 7, and physical education 7 & 9. I am also the school's athletic director - GO COLTS! Prior to St. Mary's I spent five years at Chamberlain School (GO PANTHERS) in Grassy Lake where I was a junior high school teacher and the vice-principal. I also spent six months at St. Michael's School in the LAP program.
When I'm not at school, I love to go for hour long walks in any type of weather. Medicine Hat has a lot of beautiful trails and other places to wander and explore! I'm also a member of the lawn bowling club and you'll find me there just about every day during the bowls season. Other interests include Postcrossing (an online postcard sending/receiving group) and Munzee.
The Vancouver Canucks are my passion and you'll often find Mrs. Miller and I trading insults at one another (she's supports the <gasp> Oilers). I also support the BC Lions, Vancouver Whitecaps FC, the MH Tigers, the MH Mavericks, the Brooks Bandits, and the Trail Smoke Eaters.
I have been married for 30 years to Barb - your kid might have had her as their preschool teacher at Mother Teresa). We have two children. My son, Eric, is a teacher in Fox Lake, Alberta (look way up north) and my daughter, Megan, works in Jasper. We also have two cats - Charlie and Cricket.
I absolutely love being a teacher at St. Mary's. I hope you enjoy your time here, too!